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Advances in Hand Surgery

What are the latest advancements in hand surgery technology and techniques?

There have been many advancements in hand surgery in the past few years. These include:

1.  Artificial implants, tendons, and nerve grafts.

Advances in tissue engineering and preservation are allowing for use of artificial tendons, ligaments, and nerve grafts to be more common in hand surgery.  This means damaged or missing tissue can be replaced in hand surgeries without having to sacrifice a patient’s own anatomy.

2.  Minimally invasive techniques.

 Hand surgeons are more often using minimally invasive techniques, such as endoscopy, to perform hand surgery, reducing recovery time and minimizing scarring.

3.  Nerve transfer surgery. 

Nerve transfer surgery involves moving nerves from one area of the body to another in order to regain function in an injured extremity.

4.  Advances in medications for postoperative pain control.  

New and different medications are being used by hand specialists before, during, and after surgery to reduce pain associated with hand surgery.

5.  Advances in prosthetics. 

Newly developed prosthetics have better fit and function than ever before.  This can be helpful in patients with amputations to their fingers and hands.

6.  Advances in hand therapy. 

Certified hand therapists are employing new protocols, technology, and splints to help patients regain their power, strength, and range of motion more quickly after surgery.

7.  Advances in data sharing and imaging technology.  

X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are easier to share between patients, primary care doctors, emergency room doctors, and Hand Surgeons.  This makes it easier for hand surgeons to develop a plan of care virtually and in a more timely manner.

These are just a few examples of the latest advancements in hand surgery technology and techniques.

Hand surgery advanced technique