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Cut Hand Artery

Cut Hand Artery, Wrist, or Finger: Dallas Fort Worth Plastic and Hand Surgeons Dr. David and Solomon Azouz explain treatment

Dallas Plastic and Hand Surgeon Dr. David and Solomon Azouz review Cut Hand Artery:
symptoms, surgical, non-surgical treatment, cost, insurance, and recovery.

Can a deep cut on the finger or hand cause blood vessel (artery) damage?

Cut hand artery due to a deep cut, crush, or pulling injury can cause severe damage to the arteries.  The palm side of the hand is generally where the larger, more important arteries travel.  Cuts on the palm side of the hand or fingers are usually considered more serious.  The nerves and arteries of the hand tend to run together on the palm side of the hand.  This means that if the artery is cut, then the nerve is also likely to be cut.  In general, all cuts on the hand should be seen by a hand surgeon like Dr. Azouz.  

How do patients usually cut their hand or finger arteries?

Cuts to the hand or finger arteries can be from numerous causes. Deep hand or finger lacerations are often from kitchen knives, broken glass, falls, assaults, or trauma.

When would you need to see a hand surgeon for a cut hand artery or finger blood vessel?

When a hand or finger artery is cut, bleeding can be difficult to control. Surgery is usually required to repair the artery.

What are the benefits of having a cut finger or hand artery repaired?

Repairing a cut artery in the hand or finger controls the bleeding and prevents weakening of the artery. It also regains blood supply to the hand and fingers.


What are the symptoms of a cut hand artery or finger artery?

Significant bleeding

Pain or tenderness


Weakness or difficulty moving fingers

Nausea with significant blood loss

What type of Anesthesia is used for a cut hand artery or finger artery?  Are you put to sleep for a cut artery repair?

Dr. Azouz uses sedation and local anesthesia for hand surgeries. All of his patients are sedated and put in a deep sleep to help them relax. He will also inject a numbing medication with an axillary block which usually lasts up to 24 hours.


What is the recovery after a blood vessel is cut in the hand or finger?

Dr. Azouz will place a splint to protect the hand or finger after the surgery. A dressing will be applied to prevent infection. Once the laceration is healed, hand therapy may be recommended to help restore hand function and range of motion.


Risk of Cut Hand Arteries and techniques Dr. Azouz utilizes to minimize complication include:

Possible Risks

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Poor scarring
  • Damage to surrounding structures
  • Need for further surgery

Dr. Azouz Minimizes Risk By:

  • Meticulous sterile technique
  • Specialized medications
  • Direct visualization with use of magnification
  • Specialized suturing techniques
  • Technical expertise

How is a hand cut artery repaired?

Dr. Azouz uses fine stitches to repair the artery. If there is significant damage, a vein graft may be needed to repair or reconstruct the artery. Any nearby structures, including nerves or tendons, will also be repaired.

Can an artery be repaired at the same time as other injuries?

Yes, arteries are generally repaired simultaneously as hand fractures, cut tendons, skin cuts, or cut nerves.  Dr. Azouz is often able to repair cuts of the face, facial fractures, body cuts, cut eyelids, and nasal bone fractures at the same time as repairs of tendons to the hand or fingers.  

What is the outcome of arterial repair surgery?

Repairing arteries within the hand allow for better blood flow, better tolerance of cold temperatures, improved hand function, and at times salvage of the hand and/or fingers. 

Cut Hand or Finger Artery Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of a cut finger or hand arterial repair?

The cost of hand or finger artery repair depends on the severity of the injury, the number, type and location of the damaged arteries. During your consultation Dr. Azouz will determine the severity of your injury and the cost. If the patient’s injury happens at work, Dr. Azouz coordinates with a multitude of workers’ compensation carriers.  In general most worker’s compensation insurance carriers will cover the cost of surgery if deemed medically necessary and compensable with an at work injury. 

Can an artery be repaired at the same time as other injuries?

Yes, arteries are generally repaired at the same time as hand fractures, cut tendons, skin cuts, or cut nerves.  Dr. Azouz is often able to repair cuts of the face, facial fractures, body cuts, cut eyelids and nasal bone fractures at the same time as repairs of tendons to the hand or fingers.  

Where does Dr. Azouz operate?

Dr. Azouz has privileges at a variety of hospitals and emergency rooms throughout the DFW metroplex including Dallas, Fort Worth, Richardson, Plano, Flower Mound, Addison. Patients frequently travel to see Dr. Azouz from Frisco, Allen, Mckinney, Arlington and Rockwall. It is not uncommon for patients to even travel from across Texas including East Texas (Tyler, Longview), West Texas (Midland, Odessa) and central Texas (Waco, Austin) to see Dr. Azouz.

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