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Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow: Dallas Hand Surgeons Dr. Azouz Review Lateral Epicondylitis

Dallas Plastic and Hand Surgeons Dr. David and Solomon Azouz review Tennis Elbow: symptoms,
surgical, non-surgical treatment, cost, insurance, and recovery.

What Is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition that occurs when muscles and tendons in the elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. The pain occurs primarily when the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to a bony bump on the outside of the elbow. Pain can also spread into the forearm and wrist.


Symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Pain on the outside of the elbow moving into the forearm.
  • This chronic pain outside your elbow may become too painful to even touch. Eventually, you may find it harder or more painful to grip or lift things.


Most cases of tennis elbow can be treated medically without surgery. Dr. Azouz may suggest a variety of treatments including:
  • Dr. Azouz may suggest oral steroids or NSAIDS to reduce inflammation in the area.
  • Dr. Azouz may suggest an injection of a steroid into the area.
  • Dr. Azouz may suggest splinting which is beneficial in some patients to prevent further injury.


After surgery patients are placed in a specialized elevation pillow and splint. Dr. Azouz will release the patient for work or exercise during post-operative appointments. Some patients require physical therapy and Dr. Azouz will guide when physical therapy is appropriate to begin. Patients with a biceps tendon rupture have a similar recovery after surgery to those who require surgery for tennis elbow.

Tennis Elbow Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Tennis Elbow Surgery Cost?

Tennis elbow surgery costs can widely vary. Dr. Azouz will determine the surgery cost by taking a history and performing a physical examination. Many insurance companies consider Tennis Elbow surgery medically necessary. For those who do not have insurance, arrangements can be made for self-pay pricing.

Nonsurgical Options For Tennis Elbow

Most cases of this condition can be treated medically without surgery. Dr. Azouz may suggest a variety of treatments, including:

Dr. Azouz might suggest oral steroids or NSAIDS to reduce inflammation in the area.

Dr. Azouz may suggest an injection of a steroid into the area.

Dr. Azouz may suggest splinting which is beneficial in some patients to prevent further injury.

Dr. Azouz's Locations

Dr. Azouz has privileges at a variety of hospitals and emergency rooms throughout the DFW metroplex including Dallas, Fort Worth, Richardson, Plano, Flower Mound, Addison. Patients frequently travel to see Dr. Azouz from Frisco, Allen, Mckinney, Arlington and Rockwall. It is not uncommon for patients to even travel from across Texas including East Texas (Tyler, longview), West Texas (Midland, Odessa) and central Texas (Waco, Austin) to see Dr. Azouz.

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(972) 702-8888

Dallas Tennis Elbow

Nonsurgical Therapy



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