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What is an enchondroma?

An enchondroma is a benign tumor that most commonly grows in the small bones of the hand. It usually affects the cartilage that lines the bones. Enchondromas can also occur in other long bones, such as the femur, humerus, and tibia. 

What are the symptoms of an enchondroma?

Swelling in the hand

Pain in the hand

Enlarged growth of a finger

Delayed or weakened bone growth

When does an enchondroma require surgery?

Dr. Azouz will review x-ray images of the hand to visualize the enchondroma and check the alignment of the bones. Surgical removal is required, especially if it is affecting bone growth and pain. If patients choose conservative measures, it is important to consistently monitor the tumor with a hand surgeon like Dr. Azouz.

How is enchondroma surgery performed?

Dr. Azouz will remove the enchondroma and in some cases, perform a bone graft to replace the weakened bone to provide strength and improve bone density. He can also repair any nearby fractures using pins or screws. 

What is the anesthesia for enchondroma surgery?

For the majority of hand surgeries, Dr. Azouz uses sedation and local anesthesia. Patients are sedated in a deep sleep to help them relax. Dr. Azouz then injects an axillary block, which numbs the arm and can last between 8-24 hours after the procedure. 

What is the recovery from enchondroma surgery?

After the procedure, Dr. Azouz will place a splint over the hand to allow proper healing. Hand therapy may be recommended to help regain strength and mobility of the hand. Dr. Azouz sees his patients a few days after the surgery to monitor their healing and give instructions for caring for the pins and splint.

What is the cost of enchondroma surgery?

The cost of enchondroma surgery ranges extensively. Dr. Azouz will obtain a medical history and perform a physical exam to help determine the cost. 

If you are looking for a hand surgeon who treats enchondromas call Dr. Azouz at 972- 702- 8888.