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Plantar Fasciitis

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects the heel to the front of your foot. It provides support to the arch of the foot. When placing too much strain or pressure on the plantar fascia, it can become irritated and inflamed. It can occur from repetitive activities such as running, walking, and sports or prolonged standing on hard surfaces.

What are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis?

Pain in the bottom of the foot at the heel

Foot pain immediately after placing pressure on the foot after long periods of rest

Worse pain with activity and exercise

When does plantar fasciitis require surgery?

Dr. Azouz will often review x-ray images to check the alignment of the bones. He will check for a heel spur, which can be due to tension where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel. Nonsurgical treatment includes RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) therapy, physical therapy, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. If patients cannot manage their pain with conservative measures within 12 months, surgery is recommended.


How is plantar fasciitis surgery performed?

Usually, plantar fasciitis can be resolved without surgery.  When necessary there are many options including fat grafting to the foot. With fat grafting, fat is transferred to the sole of the foot to increase cushioning.  Often, multiple rounds of fat grafting are necessary.


What is the anesthesia for plantar fasciitis surgery?

Dr. Azouz will use sedation with a nerve block for plantar fasciitis surgery. The patient is sedated so that they can relax in a deep sleep. A nerve block will also be used to numb the lower extremity which can help with pain for up to 24 hours.


How long does it take to recover from plantar fasciitis surgery?

Dr. Azouz will apply a splint after the procedure. It can take between 6-12 weeks for patients to regain the function of their foot or feet.  Usually, one foot is operated on at a time. Physical therapy may be recommended to help with strength and movement. 


What are the risks of plantar fasciitis surgery?

Some risks for plantar fasciitis surgery include weaker foot arch, nerve damage, infection, or delayed healing. Dr. Azouz will use precise techniques and medication for the best possible outcome.


What is the cost of treating a foot injury due to a workplace accident?

If an injury to the foot occurred at work, most workers’ compensation carriers cover the cost of surgery as deemed medically necessary. The cost can include worker productivity loss and wages, medical costs, uninsured costs, and administrative expenses. 

Call plastic surgeon Dr. Azouz in Dallas today if you are experiencing heel pain and think that you might have plantar fasciitis. 

We would love to help you at 972-702-8888.